Monday, December 30, 2019 Draws Girls to STEM Draws Girls to STEM Draws Girls to STEM Draws Girls to STEM The National Academy of Engineering launched the EngineerGirl website in 2001 in an effort to draw middle school girls to the field of engineering.It was meant to be an online presence to help girls understand engineering, what engineers do, and how it matters to daily life, says Simil Raghavan, the academys program officer, and a biological engineer, who manages the site.But the internet has changed enormously since then. A simple website is elend enough to entice viewers, to say nothing of steering them to specific careers. An essay competition and QA sessions were added to make the site more interactive, but the website was still not reaching as many girls as Raghavan and her team thought it could. The kind of traffic they were seeing suggested a new course of action.Image EngineerGirlOver the past few years, even though the site is targeted to middle school girls, a lot of visitors are from high schools, Raghavan says. Maybe middle school girls were spending less time on the internet. Maybe the high school girls already knew a little more about engineering and might be able to share their knowledge. So the Ambassadors program is an attempt to bring those two groups together, Raghavan says.For You 7 Ways to Move Up the Ladder with a STEM DegreeTo become an ambassador, high school girls living in the U.S. must submit a proposal about how they intend to reach younger girls in their community. The students will also need an adult sponsor to help them carry out their mission. Raghavan and her colleagues will select five or six entrants to put their ideas in motion. Each project will be offered $250 in funding (and projects that might need more will be assisted with fundraising). As they proceed, the high schoolers will report to EngineerGirl about how their projects are developing.Then well work with them at crafting a final report so they have a record of what theyve done, and be able to champion it, says Raghavan.There will be web conferences throughout the year and the final report will be published on The selected students will also be funded to attend the Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference. The student that has made the biggest impact will be awarded a $1000 scholarship.The program is specifically looking for projects that attempt to reach girls that wouldnt otherwise be reached.Certain communities have access to STEM and other communities dont, says Raghavan. The best projects will be the ones that explain the need We are going to do something that will help girls that would not otherwise be involved in engineering. Or maybe someone says My community has this great STEM program, but all the people attending are boys. I want to make sure we get a group of girls. I dont know how that would work, but thats the advantage of having the girls work where they arethey live there.So far, the entrants have followed the suggestions of the website, proposing that they work with the Girl Scouts, start a STEM club at the local library, and start engineer clubs at schools. I was surprised by how many freshman are applying, Raghavan says. Theyve been to summer camps and have had some exposure to engineering. And they have strong recommendations.This summer, EngineerGirl will pick the winning projects. If they are as effective as hoped, Raghavan and her colleagues have every intention of expanding the program. Needless to say, theres work to be done before then.This is the very first year, Raghavan says, so there are a lot of moving parts.Michael Abrams is an independent writer.Read MoreCreative Teaching Prepares Students for EngineeringAn Engineering Education Should Never EndNew Skills for the New World of Engineering For Further DiscussionThe best projects will be the ones that explain the need We are going to do something that will help girls that would not otherwise be involved in engin eering. Simil Raghavan, National Academy of Engineering

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Air Force Basic Training Initial Uniform Issue

Air Force Basic Training Initial Uniform IssueAir Force Basic Training Initial Uniform IssueTwo or three days after arrival at Air Force Basic Military Training (AFBMT), youll be marched to the troop supply area, where you will receive your initial uniform issue. The word from several recent basic training graduates is that this process is no fun at all. It seems that the kind folks who work there are not very kind. In fact, fruchtwein recent graduates describe these folks as mean as hell. In any event, you will be sized using a scientific method (theyll look at you and say, you wear a medium. However, you are required to try everything on before youre finished. What You Will Be Issued During Your Session In addition to your uniform, youll receive several other items of clothing and accessories 1 Duffle Bag6 Briefs or boxers (guys)4pr Cotton Socks4pr Wool Socks5 Brown T-shirts2 Towels1 Belt1 Belt Buckle2 PC Shorts1 Sweat Pants1pr Running Shoes4 BDU Trousers4 BDU Shirts2 BDU Caps1 pr Combat Boots1pr Leather Gloves2 PC T-shirts1 Sweat Shirt For women, you can purchase bras and panties at the Troop Mall on the same day as your uniform issue. Once youve gotten your issue, youll place everything into the duffle bag and leave. You would think it would make sense to march straight back to the dormitory, and put everything away in inspection order. No, that wouldnt make the T.I.s happy. Instead, youll be marched to your next appointment that day, having to march in formation while carrying that heavy duffle bag. In fact, youll carry that duffle bag with you the rest of the morning (or afternoon if you had an afternoon uniform issue). Once you finally get your new belongings back to the dormitory, youre not ready to put them away, yet. Everything has to be stenciled with your information (last name and your recruit number). That way, theres no fighting over whos hat belongs to who, and things wont get gelbkreuzgas when they are washed (well, actually things always ge t lost when they are being washed). Oh, thats another tip youll want to make sure that the recruits who are on the laundry team like you. More About Air Force Basic Training? Surviving Air Force Basic Training

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Become an Army Financial Management Technician

How to Become an Army Financial Management TechnicianHow to Become an Army Financial Management TechnicianLike all branches of service, the U.S. Army puts many of its own soldiers to work making sure finances are in order. Financial management technicians at home and abroad handle all manner of accounting for the Army, including pay, bookkeeping, purchasing, and audits.EducationAs entry-level enlisted soldiers, the minimum education required for financial management technicians is a high school diploma or GED and a composite score of 101 for the clerical line score of the Armed Services Vocationl Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB). Additionally, a high school diploma or GED is no guarantee the Army will accept an applicant. Those with at least come college will have a better chance.After basic training, the Army trains qualifying recruits in the basics of accounting, pay, budgets, and financial analysis. Army skill training doesnt result in any special certifications but it does put soldi ers in a good position to develop their skills and qualifications through on-the-job experience and additional off-duty education.Duties and ResponsibilitiesFinancial management technicians receive and post documents to accounting/budget systems, process treasury checks for payment and pay for invoices, maintain files and prepare financial reports/travel vouchers, review contracts and invoices, and receive reports.Typically, financial management technicianwork in teams or shops within a given Army unit as well as coordinate (often remotely) with civilians at the Defense Finance Accounting Service. They ensure soldiers get paid and resolve any pay discrepancies, help soldiers submit official travel vouchers, and organize the units budget on behalf of their commanding officer. Additionally, forward-deployed finance technicians are responsible for disbursing a portion of each soldiers paycheck in cash. This is because installing armor takes priority over installing ATMs in unterstellu ng areas.Career OutlookArmy financial management technicians can expect progression opportunities comparable to their peers in other fields, including promotions and assignments. Postings are available in the Army Reserve and National Guard for those seeking less than full-time duty.Soldiers in finance also can improve their chances for promotion and advancement through various off-duty courses and certifications. Many of these are directly related to their work, including Accredited Business Accountant, Certified Government Financial Manager, and Certified Financial Planner. The Army also offers promotion incentives to soldiers who seek some certifications that might be helpful in collateral duties, such as fitness instruction and sports medicine.Many of these certifications are approved training programs under the Montgomery GI Bill. Depending on operational needs, soldiers may make arrangements with their superiors for time to take these courses or take them off-duty, with costs covered by their veterans benefits.?For those whoplan to parlay their military experience into a civilian career, Army Credentialing Opportunities On-Line suggests several related jobs, including bookkeepers, accountants, and payroll and timekeeping clerks, as well as numerous federal positions.The Bad and the GoodAt times, it takes some thick skin to work in this kind of customer service. Sooner or later, someones pay is going to get screwed up, and soldiers who are impacted by a mistake are most likely to take out their frustration on the finance tech they are working with.It may not be a match for every personality, but financial management technicianscontribute positively to missions by doing a job that just has to be done. They keep fellow soldiers happy every day- keeping them paid, provided for, and a little happier.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Untold Stories About Resume Title Examples You Really Need to Read or Be Left Out

Untold Stories About Resume Title Examples You Really Need to Read or Be Left Out Maybe youre a a couple of years into your career with only a few jobs below your belt. If youre a job candidate whos prepared to place some elbow grease in your job search then youre already ahead of many. The title is similar to the very first impression you draw upon the individual. You may even find a result in a job. Phrases like hard worker and decent communication skills are typical on resumes, and dont offer much details on what makes you unique. One of the greatest things you can do in order to acquire your resume in fighting shape is to ensure your headline game is strong. Studying resumes of individuals who hold, or have held the sort of job that youre pursuing, is also beneficial. The easy answer is you should consist of freelance work on your resume. You should organize your resume to aid agencies evaluate your experience. If you dont supply the info necessary for the hiring agency to ascertain your qualifications, you may notlage be considered for the job. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. Hiring agencies will search for particular terms in your resume to make sure to have the experience theyre seeking. Whats also cool about our hand-picked selection is the simple fact that lots of packages include bonuses like cover letters or company cards. The idea of producing a video resume might sound intimidating, but it isnt as hard as it sounds and, often, it helps job seekers to stick out in an extremely competitive job search atmosphere. Its content-packed layout is excellent for engaging employers with many facts, from experience to education. mora than a few companies require candidates to submit a web site or dynamic on-line portfolio. The sales and marketing business is one predicated on your capacity to sell goods or services to the general public. In the current competitive market, you a re going to find that lots of executive recruiters wish to swiftly digest your resume to scan for key information. The job, the market, and the institution proved not the ideal fit for me. Located right at the very top of the resume, a resume headline for fresher is the very first thing that the employer sees. Additionally, job titles can be useful tools you may use to look for jobs in your industry. Youll discover the specific wording to use from the work board, site, newspaper, etc. where you found the work advertisement. Resume headlines are perfect for candidates with lots of experience. Using Resume Title Examples Thus a title must have each of the words which make an individual learn more about you. Have a look at the requirements for a selection of jobs you want to apply for, and build a resume profile title that comprises the main requirements from each. Job titles change from one company to the next, which means you wish to decide on a title thats recognizable to t he majority of employers and recruiters. Thus dont let your present job title hold you back. See below for exactly what things to include. To start with, have a deep breath As you might have guessed, the words utilized in the title should always match the words utilized in the work description. Its definitely actually not completely necessary but should you put various titles, its going to assist you only. If you dont meet the requirements, you merely wont be considered. You might not have the significant Qualifications. Knowledgeable candidates are requested to submit a on-line tool. Or you may use a Job Title that is more general and not as specific.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gen Y Succession Planning for a New Generation of Leaders

Gen Y Succession Planning for a New Generation of LeadersGen Y Succession Planning for a New Generation of LeadersGen Y Succession Planning for a New Generation of Leaders Effron and Miriam OrtWith Generation Y employees (otherwise known as Gen Y) comprising an increasing percentage of the workforce, organizations are being challenged to rethink and realign their talent practices to meet the demands of this new generation. Fortunately, the science that underpins most core talent processes is based on fundamental human behavior and is likely to stand the test of time. At the same time, companies should reexamine their practices to ensure they are applying them in a way that is effective for Generation Y.No talent practice represents this phenomenon better than succession planning, a process thats success is contingent on the career goals, planning, and cooperation of the employee. Research shows that Gen Yis demanding what we should have given to prior generations an easy to understa nd, highly transparent process with plenty of feedback and development from their manager. Its a reasonable request and far easier to deliver than it might appear.The principles that Gen Y employeesare requesting simplicity, accountability and transparency are the key to all successful talent practices. In our new book, One Page Talent Management Eliminating Complexity, Adding Value (Harvard Business Publishing) we describe how to use these principles to create a succession plan that is incredibly effective for Gen Ys (and everyone else).Keep your Succession Plan SimpleOur tendency in HR is to design complex, elegant processes that can backfire during implementation. When designing a succession planning process, your mantra must be implementation is everything. Momentarily put aside all of your hard-earned HR knowledge and ask yourself, How can we make this so simple and easy to use that successful implementation is guaranteed?Here are a few suggestions for building a lean, highly effective succession planning processUse only the wertzuwachs and profil (PxP) grid A standard tool at many companies, this simple 9-box grid records performance on one axis, and potential for upward growth on the other. It can quickly pinpoint those with succession potential. To use the PxP correctlyAssess potential to advance (not values, ambition, etc.) Succession plannings most important role is to help determine who moves up in the organization. Have a direct discussion about a leaders ability to move up, not about their values, ambition or other proxies for upward potential. Those factors are just components of their ability to move.Define potential using actual positionsDiscuss whether Mary can or cant be the CFO in three years, not whether she has the potential to move two levels.Calibrate to determine ratings We all unconsciously apply our individual biases when we rate others. Marys final potential rating should be decided by her manager, together with his departmental or regional peers.Review talent for succession twice a year If your process is simple, twice-a-year reviews shouldnt be an administrative burden. It will also ensure that your plans are current and realistic Gen Ys will want frequent updates on where they stand.Dont use high potential assessment tools Simply put there is no evidence they work. Theres no science to support claims that a single test can assess potential to succeed in a wide variety of scenarios.Drive Transparency in Career PlanningWe believe transparency is a critical element in successfully growing talent. Gen Y expects transparency about both the succession planning process and their own status.Unfortunately many organizations harbor deep-seated concerns about lifting the curtain around this process. Our perspective is that organizations should start with 100% transparency and kollege that plan only where a legitimate case can be made for confidentiality. Heres how to be transparent with your career planning processT ell high potentials that theyre high potentials Faulty logic often drives companies decisions to withhold information about employees potential. They fear that disappointed employees who are not high potential will run for the door or that high potential employees will begin feeling overly entitled.What organizations fail to realize is that Gen Ys expectation of open communication means high potential employees need to be told about their status, or they will likely explore other opportunities. Will some people be upset that theyre not high potential? Sure. Will they immediately run for the door? Not necessarily, particularly if youve let them know why and communicated what they need to do be successful in their career.Tell everyone else their succession status too We consider it the right thing to do to ensure that everyone knows the likely direction of their career.Gen Y will assume youre going to share this and will become increasingly disengaged if you dont.Make all forms and in structions available to everyone Employees might ask some tough questions when they first landsee your succession planning process and tools. The alternative is to not tell them and let them assume youre hiding something that they should know.Increase Accountability with Performance ReviewsAccountability is where most organizations lose their succession planning nerve.Without clear accountability, even the most well-intentioned manager may not spend the time necessary to identify and grow their teams succession candidates. Managers must be held accountable toTell employees the results of succession planning conversations We mention above that transparency on this topic is essential. Holding leaders accountable for that conversation is the only way to ensure it happens.Follow up on development actions Planning who will step into which role is a great start, but growing the talent to make that happen is what truly matters.After each succession planning conversation, managers should ha ve a list of gaps that must be closed to ensure succession can take place. They should be held accountable in their own performance review for progress against closing those gaps.What Gen Y seeks is highly reasonable and altogether achievable. They arent asking you to change how you run your business. They simply ask that we make processes like succession planning easy to understand, fully transparent and that management walk the talk. Gen Y has raised the bar but at organizations that deliver, everyone wins.Author BiosMarc Effron is President of the Talent Strategy Group. Miriam Ort is Senior Manager, Human Resources for PepsiCo. They are the authors of One Page Talent Management Eliminating Complexity, Adding Value.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Hearsay, Deception and Open Office Resume Templates

Hearsay, Deception and Open Office Resume Templates The Number One Question You Must Ask for Open Office Resume Templates Its an issue of fact, the range of applicants utilizing creative resume templates is increasing drastically. Do get in touch, and well be pleased to place them on the list How well you layout your resume is critical to increasing your likelihood of getting hired. Look up words in the thesaurus Most folks submit resumes verbunden today, but there continue to be reasons why you want a paper resume. Key Pieces of Open Office Resume Templates 11 As its name suggests, this Open Office resume template is great for entry-level positions. Everything you must do would be to set it in your bibliography in alphabetical requests. Avoid messing up the dates, especially when you have been unemployed for a very long moment. These templates can help you compose a combination resume from scratch. Editing your layout may help you optimize space, but you should be certain to keep the document as uncluttered as possible. This template is merely a guidance template. OpenOffice Templates has tons of completely free templates in a range of categories whom I know youll disdeckblatt useful. If youre using mobile phone, you might also utilize menu drawer from browser. Open Office Resume Templates Help There are several qualified applicants out there, and a fantastic presentation is critical to be able to stick out from the crowd. The main reason for presenting such a distinctive articles is to cover the present users of Open Office, that are attempting to grab a work interview. This casually styled template from Monash University is an excellent instance of a resume for those who arent on the lookout for careers. Be careful to construct the lines. After these sections, you can add added information that isnt completely related to the job that you need but can boost your resume. This section says what youre searching for in work. Possessing a good e ducation section will help to display the foundation of your understanding and expertise. A technical skills section is useful in showcasing your understanding of certain systems. This sample resume is the best alternative for accountants who wish to focus more on their qualifications as opposed to the design. In the event the data doesnt quite seem to fit, set it aside for some time. A number of the info is subjective. With the emphasis set on your skills, the gaps arent as noticeable. It is better to list your abilities and achievements in bullet points. The elements that you include will be dependent on what it is youre applying for, so make aya to incorporate the most relevant info to back up your candidacy in your CV. List your abilities and accomplishments utilizing precisely the same keywords utilized in the description. What should determine your pick of summary or statement is where youre in your career. Grabbing the HR attention ought to be your very first priorit y. No matter if its your very first job resume or not, its important to know that any resume should have 5 important elements. Its essential that you make certain the writing on your resume looks good. This sort of resume will either leave off critical info or its going to be typed in a font size that is difficult to read. Your name ought to be visible at a fast glance. 3 This resume template was made by the plan agency MOO. The MLA format annotated bibliography must be composed at the finish of the paper.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

There#8217;s a Belief Gap about the Wage Gap, Part 1

There8217s a Belief Gap about the Wage Gap, Part 1 Well, Ive written about this before and received quite a lot of feedback. You guessed it, the wage gemeinsame agrarpolitik between men, women and now it seems theres an ever widening belief gap regarding the wage gap. And while there are lots of news outlets that would have you believe that its just cavemen dwellers who dont believe in a wage gap (despite countless studies that prove it exists), its elend. There are many economists, conservatives, liberals, recruiters in our own profession, and women, who believe 1) that a wage gap does not exist at all,2) that if a wage gap does exist, it exists because of choices women make,3) if a wage gap exists that it is not our problem nor do we have to take any responsibility for it.So in the interest of further public education among the readers of this site (presumably folks involved in talent acquisitio n and potentially at least SOME women) lets talk about this. One of the reasons this is once again, coming to the forefront, is because Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, recently chose Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan, among other things, voted against the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay act, a law that makes it easier for women to challenge unequal pay.In the above linked Bloomberg op-ed, author Ramesh Ponnuru statesHeres the truth you wont hear The pay gap is exaggerated, discrimination doesnt drive it and its not clear that government can eliminate it or should even try.He doesnt just discourage government from addressing the wage gap, he stresses with a 2005 and 2009 study, respectively, it doesnt exist and if it does, it is most certainly not the fault or responsibility of employers to make it rightThere is very little that individual employers can do about any of these issues. They cant make men do more housework, or pick majors for women. Nor can they reasonably be a sked to adjust their salary schedules to make up for those choices.None of these arguments are new to women who have been trying not only to get the wage gap closed but now have to wage a double battle regarding the belief that such a thing exists.So what happens when you control for certain industries, having kids, full vs parte-time and hours worked beyond full time (described in many economics studies as 35 hours per week or more)? Well, the wage gap still seems to exist, as shown in this 2010 GAO study, showing that female managers make 81% as much as their male counterparts, even when controlling (once again) for all of the above factors.One of the most common arguments against the existence of a wage gap based on discrimination, is that of women taking time out of the workforce to have children, care for their families and help with the housework (I cannot believe I even have to write that). But this too, proves to be a bit of a red herring, as even when childless women and me n are compared, full-time working women are paid only 82 percent as much as full-time working men.I guess what Im saying here is that even when controlling for hours worked, childlessness, and job title, the gap still seems to exist.Okay fair enough, lets level that playing field, lets go back to when kids first start entering the workforce, when the discrepancy (among all socioeconomic, cultural and field of study data) seems to be the smallest (yay)Among all workers 25 years of age and older with some high school education, womens median weekly wages total $388 compared to a total of $486 for men.A female MBA graduate is paid, on average, $4,600 less at her first job than a new male MBA graduate.What about the kiddo argument? If women are paid less because of their decision to have children (and that IS the rationale here) shouldnt men with children be paid less than their childless male counterparts? Well, noWomen are penalized for caregiving while men are not the 2003 GAO study found that women with children are paid about 2.5 percent less than women without children, while men with children enjoy an earnings boost of 2.1 percent, compared with men without children. In other words, working mothers pay a penalty while working fathers receive a bonus.While it would be irresponsible to continue to bandy about the stat that women earn 77 cents to every dollar men do, even when controlling for all of the above factors, the gap still exists, despite various claims to the contrary.One key toward making it better would be to acknowledge it is there and work toward bridging that gap, via leadership and negotiation training for both women and men and a better, deeper understanding of the biases that lead us to fight this claim so vociferously (seriously, check out some of the comments in these posts, articles and studies).In Part 2 of this series, well talk a little bit about other, less-explored arguments against the pay gaps existence, including negotiation tactic s, work-life balance and high-risk high-reward theories. Read on for part two